T-20956 - Mercruiser 4 Cylinder 181cu 140HP 3.0L Vortec Head Exhaust Manifold
Direct replacement single piece Vortec head style log exhaust manifold
Suitable for 1990 and up Mercuiser 4 cylinder 181cu 140HP 3.0L and 3.0LX 1990 and newer.
Replaces Mercruiser part, B-MC-1-860235, S-18-1956-1, 806867A3, 860235A03 and 860235A04
Include all parts for installation - Bolts, studs, bungs, gaskets, line, hose and drain. Includes carburetor gasket.
- 0.00 KGS
- mfg_code
- T-20956